Preferring Emacs Over VSCode and Vim

Ken over at the YouTube channel has an interesting post on Why I Prefer Emacs Over VSCode and vim. That’s a question that all Emacsers have to answer, at least implicitly. Ken’s answer turns out to be “Org mode”.

There are lots of reasons to prefer Emacs other than Org mode but Org is certainly a excellent one. As I’ve said before, a ridiculous percentage of my life is organized with Org. Many feel the same: Org is one of the top reasons that people give for adopting Emacs as their editor.

The video is not a tutorial. Rather it consists of Ken demonstrating some of the (many) things that Org can do. It by no means shows all Org’s features but it is a good teaser. It could serve as a nice introduction to yesterday’s Irreal post on getting started with Org mode.

The video is 8 minutes, 22 seconds long so it should be easy to fit in. If you’re already an Org user, it probably won’t tell you anything new but if you’re a n00b, it’s an excellent introduction into some of the things Org can do.

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