Andrew Hyatt has a new video that describes the changes to EKG version 0.2. I wrote about EKG back in February. The TL;DR is that it’s a note taking app that links notes similar to, say, org-roam but with some interesting differences in operating principals. EKG is available on Melpa if you want to try it.
Version 0.2 adds a couple more functions, info documentation, and some general bolt tightening. The two most significant additions are
- Templating
- Templates are a way of adding text to any note sharing the tag of the templates. The implementation is different from other templating systems you may be used to. Take a look at the video for the details.
- Embddings
- This is the most interesting change. Embeddings are a way of capturing similarities among notes. It’s more general than notes sharing terms. Hyatt gives the example of noodles and pasta. The embedding functionality will consider these similar even though noodles and pasta are not the same thing. Generating embeddings is a complex operation beyond the capabilities to Emacs so the chore is outsourced to OpenAI. That fact has some possibly negative consequences that Hyatt discusses in the video.
The video is 17 minutes 27 seconds long so it should be easy to fit in but it won’t make any sense if you haven’t watched the first video that describes EKG and explains what it does.