Org Headline Tips

Nicolas Martyanoff has a (very) short post on some tips for dealing with Org mode headlines. There are three of them:

Do not split lines when adding headlines
This is a way to add another headline even if you are in the middle of some text. It’s simply a matter of adding a configuration item.
Jumping to a headline
This is a way of finding a headline in a large Org file. It’s advantage over a simple search is that you get completion.
Don’t Highlight TODO entries
By default Org will highlight the entire headline for a TODO entry. You can easily arrange to highlight only the TODO keyword if you prefer that behavior.

These are all simple configuration items and easy to implement if you want them. It’s not a huge thing and probably won’t have a large impact on your workflow but they do offer a way to make Org present data in a way more pleasing to you.

If you’re an Org user, this post is well worth the minute or two it will take to read it. Emacs (and Org) after all, are all about making your workflow easier and more pleasant. Martyanoff’s post offers a small way to do that.

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