Eli Zaretskii just announced that he’s cut the Emacs-29 release branch. Emacs 29.1 is still some time away; Zaretskii says that’s he’s hoping to have the first pretest in a couple of months. Still, it’s great to see progress being made on the next release.
As always, thanks to Eli and all the other hardworking devs who selflessly donate their time to make all this possible. So much for Emacs being ancient, moribund technology that nobody but a few greybeards care about. From Org mode to Magit to Tree sitter, Emacs is on the cutting edge of editor technology and I have absolute faith that it will stay there.
And speaking of Org mode, Bastien just announced the release of Org mode 9.6, a major release. Follow the link for all the details. Again, thanks to all involved for their work in bringing us update.