DWIM Shell Now Supports Multiple Languages

Álvaro Ramírez continues to experiment with his DWIM Shell Command package. The basic idea was that to provide a framework that made it simple to invoke a command that has complex arguments and options directly from Emacs. Ramírez has published a few posts that demonstrates its use and advantages that Irreal has reported on.

Now, Ramírez has realized that sometimes you have a bit of code in some language or another to do some task. If the language can take input from STDIN, there’s no reason that DWIM Shell couldn’t invoke those too. His latest iteration does just that.

It’s a really nice extension to his previous framework. It allows you to define frequently occurring tasks as Emacs functions that invoke the appropriate commands just as if you had entered them from the shell. Ramírez notes that you can, of course, accomplish all this with Elisp but that the DWIM Shell framework provides an easy way of doing it even if you don’t know Elisp.

There’s no news as to whether this code is headed for MELPA or some other repository but it’s a single file and easy to grab if you want to play around with it now. I’m pretty fluent with Elisp so I could always do these things directly but Ramírez’s package provides an easier way to perform these functions.

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