
As regular readers know, I’m a huge fan of RSS and of using elfeed to read and curate my feeds. If you’re an Emacs user and not using elfeed, you’re really missing out. It’s the absolute best feed reader I’ve ever used.

You may not know it but you can add YouTube channels to your elfeed feeds. If you follow one or more channels on YouTube, elfeed is a nice way of keeping up with them without a lot of fuss. Things just got a lot better.

Karthink has a new package, elfeed-tube, that makes following YouTube channels even better and easier. The package is so versatile that I won’t even try to cover everything it does; you should head over to the elfeed-tube GitHub repository for a long and thorough description of everything it’s capable of.

I found the link to elfeed-tube on reddit. The comments were uniformly positive, saying among other things, that the package “just worked” out of the box. This looks like a really great package for Emacs users who follow YouTube channels.

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