Red Meat Friday: Ties

This is barely Red Meat Friday material because almost everyone here will agree with it and find it noncontroversial. Nonetheless, the minions assure me that there are plenty of suits in our industry who will object strenuously.

The issue is neckties. Stephen Johnson over at LifeHacker says it’s time to Throw Your Neckties in the Damn Garbage Already. It’s hard to take his arguments about the health risks seriously but most of us will be onboard emotionally.

Oddly, the comments were almost universally dismissive of the post. It’s inarguable that ties are an anachronistic fashion accessory that serves no real purpose but people seem have an intense sentimental attachment to them. It’s not unlike those who insist on torturing our children by making them learn the now useless cursive writing system except they want to torture adults instead of children.

I haven’t worn a tie in years and have no plans to wear one in the future. For those occasions that require a suit, I generally wear a turtleneck with the suit and no one seems to mind. I suppose if I attended an event requiring a Tuxedo, I’d swallow my good sense and wear a (gasp) bow tie but that’s the only exception I can think of.

Tie wearers are sure to look down on us refuseniks as a bunch of rubes but, really, who’s acting irrationally?

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