Combining Find and Grep in Emacs

One of the classic Unix idioms is to search all files in a file hierarchy for some regular expression with a find/grep pipeline. For example, to search the lisp directory and all of its subdirectories for file containing the mapcar function, one could use

find ~/lisp -name "*.lisp" -exec grep -H mapcar {} \;

That pipeline finds every .lisp file in the hierarchy and runs grep on it looking for mapcar.

I, at least, don’t do this type of thing very much anymore because there are so many easier ways of doing so, especially from within Emacs.

Nonetheless, it’s still possible to usefully combine find and grep from within Emacs to build a Dired buffer of all the files that contain the matching regex. This tweet by
Mickey tells you how:

There’s a bit more to the command so you should take a look at the on-line documentation if you have a use for it.

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