MELPA Surpasses a Quarter Billion Downloads

From Steve Purcell:

I’ve said this before but it bears repeating: We all owe Purcell our thanks and, if we happen to meet him, a beer. He has, virtually single-handedly, run the most important Emacs package repository. It’s a lot of work that Purcell donates to the our community and more often than not his only feedback is complaints when the rare glitch isn’t resolved quickly enough.

A quarter of a billion downloads is a lot for a community the size of ours and underscores again the tremendous amount of work required to keep things ticking along. There are currently 5,077 packages in MELPA and each one has been curated and validated by Purcell or one of his helpers.

So again, let’s all raise to toast to Purcell and if you happen to be where he is, buy him a round.

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