Now Let’s All Enjoy A Moment of Schadenfreude

ZDNet is reporting that SCO is in Chapter 7 and thus effectively dead. They’ve been in Chapter 11 since 2007 and really had no hope of getting out so this news is not surprising.

Those of us with memories of the computer industry that extend as far back as 5 years will remember the uproar and disruption that SCO caused with their suit against IBM for supporting Linux, which they claimed had stolen its copyrighted IP. It turned out, of course, that Linux had done no such thing and that in any event SCO didn’t own the copyrights to Unix that they were using to press their claims. These guys were the worst sort of IP trolls and almost all of geekdom will feel a bit of satisfaction at their belated demise.

By far, the best thing to come out of the debacle was Groklaw, which even today continues to defend free software and comment on the antics of those who prefer lawsuits to innovation. For those of you who were there and remember the excitement of pulling up Groklaw everyday to see the latest news on the SCO spectacle, here’s Groklaw’s report on SCO’s demise written by PJ herself. The other great thing to come out of the SCO saga was the utter humiliation of those in the tech press who shamelessly spread SCO’s FUD and predicted their ultimate victory. We won’t sully the sacred Irreal franchise by mentioning their names but they know who they are.

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