An Bundle for macOS

A few days ago, I wrote about a script to build Emacs on the Mac M1. It was perfect for Mac users who want to build their own Emacs exactly the way they want. Not everyone wants to do that, of course. At the other end of the spectrum is the user who just wants to install Emacs with as little fuss as possible.

For those users, Jim Myhrberg has the perfect solution: An bundle for Emacs 28.0.90 (the first Emacs 28 pretest) that a Mac user can download and install with a minimum of effort.

The bundle includes everything needed to install Emacs with native compilation including the necessary libgccjit library. The installation does support the M1 machines but uses Rosetta2 for that so if you have an M1 you’ll probably want to find another solution such as one of the Homebrew distributions.

Myhrberg is an Apple developer and has a developer’s account so he is able to sign the distribution which means that it just works once installed—no telling the OS that, yes, you really do want to use it. If you’re looking for any easy way to install and try the Emacs pretest, it’s hard to imagine an easier way than Myhrberg’s bundle.

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