Lets in Elisp

John Kitchin has a short video in his Scimax channel that considers another Elisp construct. This video talks about let and its siblings. One of the first non-trivial things a new Lisper learns is how to deal with local variables using let.

If that didn’t make sense to you, Kitchin’s video explains it all. If you’re familiar with any of the Lisp dialects, you’ll also be familiar with let. It turns out, though, that there’s still a bit to learn. Elisp has additional let constructs that are reminiscent of Common Lisp’s destructuring-bind.

The first, let-alist, binds each car of an alist to its corresponding cdr. If you have to deal with several entries in an alist, it’s a way of referring to an alist value by name instead of the normal assoc/car/cdr dance.

The second, seq-let, is similar except that it takes two lists. The first is a list of symbols that are bound to the corresponding items in the second list. This is basically a scaled down version destructuring-bind.

Finally, Kitchin mentions pcase-let, which binds patterns to values. It’s much more complex than the others so Kitchin doesn’t discuss it in depth.

This is a short video, 12 minutes, 12 seconds, but it’s really useful for Elisp n00bs and those not familiar with let-alist, seq-alist, and pcase-let. If you fall into either category, be sure to take a look.

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