Monthly Archives: August 2024


A long (long) time ago when I was first adding hard drives to my systems—yes, there was a time when computers didn’t come with hard drives—the only choices available to “normal people” were 20MB or 60MB drives. That was the … Continue reading

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Magit 4.0

Jonas Bernoulli (Tarsius_) has just announced the release of Magit 4.0. The release, as he says, has been a long time coming: it’s been about 3 years since the last release. It’s great to hear about the new release and … Continue reading

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Tagging Tasks

David Wilson over at System Crafters has an interesting video that explains his system for using tags on his Org tasks. The nice thing about his method is that it’s easy to implement. The hardest part is choosing a list … Continue reading

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An Update To Casual Calc

Charles Choi has made another update to Casual Calc. This time it’s to provide a more contextual workflow. The idea is that that the Casual Calc menus should reflect the current context. I haven’t yet had a chance to play … Continue reading

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What Is Your Favorite Emacs Microfeature

All of us long term Emacs users have our favorite Emacs features. Sometimes it’s something big. For me that would be Org or Ivy/Counsel/Swiper. Other’s would choose Magit, Dired, Elfeed, or Mu4e. In a sense, those are the easy choices. … Continue reading

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What Does It Mean For Emacs To Be A Lisp Machine

Here on Irreal, I often claim that Emacs is best thought of as a light weight Lisp Machine. One of the problems of being a gray beard is that it’s easy to forget that not everyone has your frame of … Continue reading

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Suggestions For A Slow Emacs

It seems de rigueur to complain about Emacs being slow on Windows or even, according to some, on every OS. It’s easy to throw out such aspersions but a lot harder to offer solutions. RobThorpe over at the Emacs subreddit … Continue reading

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Jumping To The Completions Buffer

This is a sort of public service announcement. As many of you know, I consider Ivy/Counsel/Swiper to be one of my most valuable packages. It’s a behind the scenes force in almost everything I do in Emacs. If it disappeared, … Continue reading

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Outage Alert

Just a heads up about a pending weather threat to the Irreal bunker. There is currently a tropical depression over the West end of Cuba. The forecast calls for this to become Tropical Storm Debby and come up the West … Continue reading

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🥩 Red Meat Friday: Getting Disappeared

Hello. It’s me again, shouting into the wind and yelling at clouds. I’ve told you—warned you—over and over again to get off Google but you won’t listen. I’ve long since adopted the hard stance that I don’t care about your … Continue reading

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