Monthly Archives: June 2024

Query: Disqus Markup

Does anyone know what’s going on with Disqus markup? For as long as I’ve been using Disqus for Irreal’s commenting system, I’ve been able to respond to comments with text containing simple HTML markup such as <i>some text in Italics</i>, … Continue reading

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Rolling Your Own Syntax

Over at Abstract Heresies, Joe Marshall has a great post on one of the reasons Lisp is such a great family of Languages. I say “family” because there isn’t a single Lisp language. These days, the four main Lisps are … Continue reading

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Scrolling and Font Size Changes in macOS

After my post on a Linux specific problem and Emacs I feel entitled to bring up another macOS specific issue. This problem is brought to us by Alvaro who explains that it’s possible to combine trackpad scrolling and certain keystrokes … Continue reading

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D-Bus and Emacs

I have, from time to time, written Emacs posts that are specific to macOS. Lots of folks use macOS so I don’t apologize for that but lots of folks use some flavor of Linux too so it’s only fair to … Continue reading

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Some Great Emacs Packages

Over at Lambda Land, Ashton Wiersdorf opines on what he considers the best Emacs packages. You may agree or disagree with any particular choice in his list but it’s hard to argue that his choices are not reasonable. His list … Continue reading

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Casual Info

Charles Choi is back with another of his “Casual” packages. This time it’s for what some of us consider the the dumpster fire that is Info1. His latest offering, Casual Info, provides a porcelain for Info that not only provides … Continue reading

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TABs or Spaces

No, I’m not going to relitigate one of our favorite holy wars. Really, I don’t care very much about the issue. Long ago, I arbitrarily settled on spaces but don’t have strong feelings one way or the other and would … Continue reading

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A Flush-lines Example

I’m fond of telling stories about folks using Emacs to solve difficult—or at least complicated—problems but Emacs is probably used more often to solve simple, one-off problems. These problems typically don’t require anything fancier than, maybe, keyboard macros. Mario Jason … Continue reading

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Emacs As Crack

Jack Baty has a very amusing, but true, take on using Emacs and how resisting it is like resisting gravity: in the end you’re gonna lose. His story is that he hates futzing around with things, especially his Emacs configuration, … Continue reading

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De-Googling: My Secret Weapons

Neeraj Adhikari has a nice post on one of my favorite crusades: banishing Google from my life. I’ve been pretty successful at this because of two thing: Emacs and macOS. Most longtime readers know that the Irreal empire mostly runs … Continue reading

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