List of Emacs Configurations

When I first started using Emacs, one of the ways I learned about useful configuration settings and emacs-lisp was to read other people’s emacs configurations. Oddly, I’m still reading them today. When I read an expert’s configuration, I almost always learn something new and useful.

It’s easy to find configurations with a simple DuckDuckGo (or Google, if you must) search but caisah has curated a list of nice emacs configurations. You’ll recognize many of the people these configurations belongs to (Sacha Chua, Magnar Sveen, John Wiegley and Oleh Krehel to name just four) so you can be sure of learning some useful configuration settings and elisp tricks by reading them.

Besides the opportunity to learn some configuration items worth stealing, I find reading the configurations and seeing how other people have solved their editing problems enjoyable even if I don’t need the particular feature under discussion for my own workflow. If you feel the same way, bookmark caisah’s list and use it to check out a configuration or two when you have a few minutes.

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