More Spice with Emacs and Org Mode

Tiago Oliveira Weber has a nice followup to his previous post on doing spice experiments with Org mode. I wrote about his previous post last month. His latest offering discusses how you can explore design ideas, perform calculations, run circuit simulations, and generate a report all from a single file in Emacs using Org mode.

I’m not an Electrical Engineer so I don’t really understand all the fine points of his simulation but that isn’t necessary. What’s important for most of us is how leverages Org mode and his own ob-spice to communicate between Octave (or Matlab) and ngspice, his spice software.

This, it seems to me, is so much easier than the usual way of working. Everything you do is kept in a single file that you can use to produce a final report after your design and experiments. If you’re in EE or some other discipline that has similar methodology, be sure to take a look at Weber’s post to see how you can make use of is ideas.

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