Circuit Simulation with Org Mode

Tiago Oliveira Weber has a wonderful example of using Org mode with a spice application to do circuit simulation. It used to be that when Weber was preparing a report on a project, he opened a spice application in another window and did a lot of copy and pasting to get the waveform results from the spice application into his report. Because Weber likes to tweak the resulting waveforms to make them fit well in the report, there was typically several rounds of copy and pasting.

Now, Weber uses Org mode and Babel instead. That allows him to use literate programming and reproducible research techniques as he prepares his results. It turns out that Org mode already has almost everything needed for this. Carlin J. Vieri has contributed spice-mode to handle fontification of the spice input and Weber wrote ob-spice, a Babel back end. Take a look at Weber’s post for the details.

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