Most Irreal readers are, I think, involved with development or at least some sort of tech. Nevertheless, when I, from time-to-time, write about using Emacs for writing I invariably get some feedback from readers thanking me for covering that aspect of Emacs use.
With that in mind, I’d like to point you to this interesting thread on using Emacs for writing prose. The original poster wants to use spacemacs and appears to be interested in non-technical writing. Most of the responders recommended some combination of Org mode and Pandoc. That’s what I use so of course it’s my preferred solution as well. Others noted that if you prefer Markdown, Emacs has markdown-mode
to help out a bit with the formatting and pandoc-mode
to handle exporting the document to whatever final form you need it in.
If you write prose and believe—as all right-thinking do—that word processors such as Word are the spawn of the devil, you should take a couple of minutes to read through this thread. As someone who does all my writing in Emacs, I can testify that it’s both possible and pleasant to use Emacs for prose. I like Org mode and think it’s by far the best solution for prose but Emacs can support you if you like Markdown or if you need the full power of LaTeX Emacs has you covered with the powerful and wonderful ACUTeX.