A Hydra Video

If you took my advice and starting following (or emacs you’ll be familiar with abo-abo’s hydra package. It started out as a relatively simple macro, def-rep-command, that allows a command with a prefix to be repeated by merely pressing the last key. That got a lot of favorable attention so he refactored it into an ELPA package.

Then Sacha picked it up and made a small enhancement that allowed her to use it to control window switching. Since then, abo-abo has made continuous enhancements to the package making it a very flexible tool. Now abo-abo has produced a video that demonstrates its power. The video shows hydra being used for a variety of different tasks and will be sure to give you some ideas.

If you follow the link above, it will take you to a post by abo-abo that, in turn, has a link to the video. It also shows the current version of his window switching code. You’ll see that it now handles most of usual window handling chores including calling ido for another buffer and loading frequently used files with a single key by bookmark+. You can also call executable code so it has about the same power as John Kitchin’s Emacs/Helm hotspots setup that I wrote about previously.

I have to say that I’m really tempted by this. It seems like a nice way of loading frequently used files and switching between, swapping, and deleting windows. It has the advantage over Kitchin’s solution of loading hydra, which can be useful for other chores. On the other hand, the same can be said of Helm. A fine example of Buridan’s ass.

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