Search Results for: boeing

Boeing And The Dark Age Of American Manufacturing

Now it’s The Atlantic’s turn to feed my Boeing obsession. Unlike the other articles on Boeing that I’ve linked to, The Atlantic’s Boeing and the Dark Age of American Manufacturing looks at the early history of Boeing and what it … Continue reading

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Boeing: The Past Comes Due

I was going to fold this into my last post on Boeing but as I considered how to add it to that post, I realized that I had too much to say. As I noted in the last post, I’ve … Continue reading

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Boeing’s Suicide Mission

This is yet another post about Boeing and its troubles. I know I seem obsessive about this issue, and I am. It saddens me that a company known for—some would say who defined—engineering excellence has been hijacked by a pack … Continue reading

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Boeing Continues To Founder

Boeing was a great company. For many years it defined the aviation industry by designing and building the best aircraft possible. The company thrived in large part because its culture was informed by an engineering ethos. Even their top executives … Continue reading

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Boeing Again

I was reading this PBS story on the recent Alaskan Airlines incident in which a door panel blew off in midair and it tickled a distant memory of a post I wrote about Boeing before. A simple search of Irreal … Continue reading

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What Happened At Boeing?

As the dismal story of the Boeing 737 Max fiasco drags on, it’s worth taking a look at how the disaster happened. Boeing, after all, has been around since 1916—to put that in context, the Wright brothers made their famous … Continue reading

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Killing Google Search

Three weeks ago—against all I hold true and noble—I was forced to take Google’s side in a dispute between them and the news media. You might suspect I’ve grown soft on Google but let me assure you that’s not the … Continue reading

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More on the 737 MAX

In my What Happened at Boeing? post, I recounted some of the disturbing tales told by Matt Stoller of how a dysfunctional management team of Boeing succeeded in taking what was arguably the world’s foremost aircraft design and manufacturing company … Continue reading

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Two Stories on the NSA

This week there were two stories that can’t make the NSA happy. In the first, Rick Falkvinge reports that Brazil, upset over NSA spying, ditched their plans to buy Boeing jets and went with Gripen instead. This despite the fact … Continue reading

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