Tag Archives: Privacy

The Google Nest Hub Max

I don’t know about you but I couldn’t help thinking of telescreens from Nineteen Eighty-four when I read this article about Google’s always on Nest Hub Max. The similarities are striking. The camera is always watching so that it can … Continue reading

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Mozilla Talks About Its Plans for DoH

You may recall that back in July I wrote about Google’s and Mozilla’s plans for DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and the furor it caused among the nannies in the UK who resented having their ability to spy on their users … Continue reading

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The Google GDPR Workaround

A little over a week ago in my post on Google Tracking, I remarked that nothing short of strictly enforced GDPR-syle legislation would get Google and the other adtech miscreants to behave. I ended on the cynical note that maybe … Continue reading

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Google on Tracking

If you’re like me, you’re apt to suspect that anything Google has to say about adtech and tracking is likely to be self-serving nonsense but when they make the claim that blocking cookies is bad for privacy you’d be excused … Continue reading

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Apple Gets Serious About Web Tracking

In some very welcome news, Apple has announced that it will be implementing and enforcing a new anti-tracking policy in Safari. The new WebKit Tracking Prevention Policy lays out what types of tracking they will attempt to prevent and states … Continue reading

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The Never Googlers

Resistance to Google and its spying may be going mainstream. Well, at least people outside of tech are talking about it and taking action. For some time, a small group of noisy people have been shouting about Google’s relentless spying … Continue reading

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Adversarial Interoperability

Over at boingboing, Cory Doctorow has an excellent essay on adversarial interoperability, or as he puts it, How about nah? The central theme of the piece is the idea that Web sites are offering a one sided deal: “Let us … Continue reading

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Internet Villains: Never Mind

Last Saturday, I wrote about the UK ISP trade group that decided to nominate Mozilla for the annual Internet Villain award for the crime of making DNS lookup safer and more secure. Of course, it also made it harder for … Continue reading

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Chrome Has Become Surveillanceware

Last year I wrote about Matthew Green’s post on why he was giving up the Chrome browser despite being a user for many years. The TL;DR was that Google’s decision to surreptitiously log the browser into Google when you used … Continue reading

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iPhone Security

One of the reasons I have an iPhone rather than an Android device is that I feel it’s more secure. Everyone—except maybe the bad guys—likes more security, of course, but not everyone is willing to pay the price to get … Continue reading

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