Tag Archives: Privacy

Work From Home Surveillance

Speaking of the downsides of working from home, NPR and CNBC have horrifying stories about the anal micromanagers requiring workers to install spyware on their computer and even their phones so they can track their every movement, keystroke, and mouse … Continue reading

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Aaron Ogle has a couple of interesting posts on how and why he is degoogling his life. The why is just what you’d expect. He’s tired of having Google vacuum up all the data on his online activities. Like many … Continue reading

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Schneier on Zoom Security

The COVID-19 pandemic is having many unexpected consequences. One of those consequences is to bring the Zoom video conferencing platform to the attention of almost everyone. Zoom appears to have the best-in-class video conferencing software as far as video and … Continue reading

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Data is Toxic Waste

Over at Kaspersky, Cory Doctorow has an interesting article that argues that far from being the new oil, data is actually the new toxic waste. He begins by noting that any data you collect will, sooner or later, leak and … Continue reading

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Even Google Employees Are Trying to Escape

As regular Irreal readers know to their sorrow, one of my favorite hobby horses is the need to keep control of your data. Broadly that means keeping it in open formats and on computers that you manage. If you’re committing … Continue reading

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A Test for the Iron Law

If you’ve been around Irreal for a while, you know about the Iron Law of Data Collection. Briefly, the law says that anytime data is collected No matter the rationale and promises about the data collection and the purposes to … Continue reading

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Surprise! Online Advertisers Are Breaking The Law

According to a report by Forbrukerradet—which I think is the Norwegian Consumer Council—online advertisers are ignoring the GDPR and continuing to track consumers and build profiles of them. The report, linked above, and the technical addendum are both quite long … Continue reading

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Quitting Google: A Story

Regular readers know that I regularly reproach those who depend on Google apps. It’s not that I insist that everybody use open source exclusively—I don’t—but I find it excruciating to read about people committing the only copy their valuable data … Continue reading

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Getting Tough on the Corporate Snoopers

It almost certainly won’t be enacted in its current form but US Senator Ron Wyden has introduced a privacy bill with some real teeth. Among other things it calls for significant jail time for CEOs and other executives who lie … Continue reading

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The New Luddites Take Off the Mask

The other day I thanked the New York Times for proving my point. Now it’s The Guardian’s turn, albeit for a different point. I’m sure that by now many of you roll your eyes and think, Reagan like, “there he … Continue reading

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