Tag Archives: Privacy

Apple and Fingerprints

Anyone who’s been following Irreal lately is painfully aware that the NSA scandals have kicked my paranoia into hyperdrive. Still, there are limits. Apple’s recent announcement of their fingerprint reader on the iPhone 5S has provoked those poor souls even … Continue reading

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Trusting Microsoft

If you’re a Microsoft user and at all concerned about the security of your computers, you need to read this BoingBoing story about Microsoft’s cooperation with numerous 3-letter government agencies. If ever there were an argument for open source, here … Continue reading

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Why It Matters: A Story From Sweden

I ended my Dinner With General Alexander post with the observation that when the Government collects data, regardless of the stated rationale, there will inevitably be mission creep that sees the data being used in new, unintended ways and that … Continue reading

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Schneier on Being Safe

Bruce Schneier, one our best independent security experts, has some useful advice on staying safe from NSA surveillance. He is working with the Guardian and has access to the Snowden documents so he can bring some reasoned analysis to the … Continue reading

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It Just Gets Better and Better

Glenn Greenwald’s latest article is out at the The Guardian. Despite repeated assurances that Americans’ data are respected and protected it turns out that the NSA is sharing raw intelligence including Americans’ data with Israel. As it happens, I don’t … Continue reading

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Dvorak on the NSA

John Dvorak is at his hyperbolic best in this piece on the NSA. In it, he throws out red meat for those of us enraged by what the NSA is doing. His take is that the NSA sees Americans as … Continue reading

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The War Between NSA and the Tech Industry Begins

Patrick Gray over at Wired wrote an interesting article in which he posits that Tech Companies and Government May Soon Go to War Over Surveillance. His notion is that while tech companies may have been willing to accommodate the NSA … Continue reading

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Schneier on Trusting the NSA

Bruce Schneier has a powerful article in The Atlantic on The Only Way to Restore Trust in the NSA. His prescription is to appoint an independent special council to clean up the mess. My first reaction when reading that was … Continue reading

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A Surveillance Timeline

The revelations from the NSA scandal are coming so fast and furious that it’s easy to become confused. Now, the EFF has come to our rescue with Timeline of NSA Domestic Spying. It starts with the ratification of the bill … Continue reading

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Dinner With General Alexander

Jennifer Granick has an excellent article, My Dinner With NSA Director Keith Alexander, in Forbes. Unlike most reporters, Granick doesn’t waste her (and our) time with sideshows such as the whereabouts of Edward Snowden. Instead, she zeros in on the … Continue reading

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