Tag Archives: Privacy

Why You Shouldn’t Trust the Government to Collect Information About You

This is why you shouldn’t trust the government to build databases about their citizens. At the link, Charlie Stross talks about the growing scandal in the UK concerning the NHS medical records of every citizen in the United Kingdom. Read … Continue reading

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Breaking Up the NSA

Bruce Schneier has a provocative article on CNN Opinion about breaking up the NSA. He begins by pointing out that the NSA has three types of surveillance programs: Targeted Surveillance as exemplified by the actions of the Targeted Access Operations … Continue reading

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A Hopeful Take on the Surveillance State

Over at Charlie’s Diary, guest blogger Ramez Naam has an interesting, and hopeful, take on avoiding a surveillance state dystopia. Naam makes the point that despite the doom and gloom we hear about the creeping encroachments on our freedom, we … Continue reading

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Parker Higgins Captures the Anti-Snowden Campaign Perfectly

New evidence suggests that Manning, Snowden, and Assange each used a powerful tool called monospace fonts. — Parker Higgins (@xor) February 10, 2014 It sounds just like the nonsense coming out of the FBI and Mike Rogers. It reminds me … Continue reading

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The//Intercept Calls Out Obama and the DOJ

In a coda to the TSA’s war against Rahinah Ibrahim that I’ve written about here, here, and here, The//Intercept is calling out President Obama and the Department of Justice for their abuse of the state-secrets privilege. Murtaza Hussain details how, … Continue reading

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The Hypocrisy of Governments

Governments all over the world are sparing no effort to discover and prosecute members of Anonymous. It only makes sense. After all they do patently illegal things like launching DOS attacks against sites they don’t like or have a grievance … Continue reading

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Final Ruling on the TSA’s Infamous No-Fly Case

I’ve written before, here and here, about the U.S. Government’s scandalous behavior in the case of a woman, Rahinah Ibrahim, placed on the no-fly list. The government did everything they could to make the case disappear, including refusing to grant … Continue reading

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Not Just Illegal, Criminal

Back in August, I wrote a post about Jennifer Granick’s outstanding article, My Dinner With NSA Director Keith Alexander, that appeared in Forbes. Now Granick is back with another great article that discusses the recent Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight … Continue reading

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The Government Gets Crazy Over Snowden

The latest meme being floated by the apologists for the NSA is that Edward Snowden must have been a spy who received aid from the Russians. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, was busy pushing that theory on … Continue reading

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How to Stay Safe on the Internet

Stephen Haunts has a nice post on remaining private on the Internet. It’s reminiscent of the Prism Break web page that I’ve written about previously. He talks about some of the utilities that you can use out of the box … Continue reading

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