Tag Archives: Privacy

The Ultimate Privacy Guide

From time to time I’ve mentioned articles that help you maintain your privacy. Some of us grumpy and misanthropic types have nothing to hide but do everything we can to maintain our privacy out of orneriness. If that sounds like … Continue reading

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The Iron Law of Data Collection Strikes the UK

I’ve written before about the Iron Law of Data Collection, the idea that no matter the rationale given for the collection of the data or the promises made about its confidentiality there will always be mission creep that finds new … Continue reading

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An excellent suggestion from Ryan Paul (via Jean-Philippe Paradis) Let’s start describing NSA’s activities as “state-sponsored cyberterrorism” because that’s what the US would call it if anybody else did it. — Ryan Paul (@segphault) April 11, 2014

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Encrypt Everything?

Klint Finley over at Wired has an article that discusses the pros and cons of encrypting the Internet. By that he means using SSL/TLS instead of plain HTTP for every connection. It’s not a new idea. For example, the EFF … Continue reading

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The NSA and Heartbleed

Bloomberg is reporting that the NSA knew about and exploited the heartbleed bug for years. The NSA is, of course, denying that but if you’ve been keeping score it’s pretty easy to figure out who to believe. If it’s true … Continue reading

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NSA Admits to Warrantless Searches of Americans Phone Calls and Emails

Surprise! It turns out that the NSA was looking at the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant after all. According The Guardian, James Clapper sent a letter to Sen. Ron Wyden admiting to the practice. What’s surprising … Continue reading

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Metadata and You

I know it’s preaching to the choir and even to me it seems like the gazillionith time I’ve written about it but we really must convince our friends and neighbors that metadata isn’t some harmless bit of information that’s on … Continue reading

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The Wages of Sin

The U.S. Government in the guise of the NSA believed that they were beyond reproach for their spying on innocent citizens all over the world. Everyone expects governments to spy on their enemies and perhaps on the government of even … Continue reading

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Senator Feinstein in High Dudgeon

I know I mentioned it before, but this is just too hilarious to let pass unremarked. Senator Dianne Feinstein who has consistently dismissed objections to our government spying on its citizens is up in arms about the Government spying on … Continue reading

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Sauce for the Gander

I don’t understand why they’re so upset. After all, if they have nothing to hide…

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