Tag Archives: Privacy

What Happens When You Build In Backdoors?

They end up biting you in the butt. Matt Green’s post is a nice explanation of the FREAK exploit. You can read his post for the technical details, which, really, aren’t that interesting except that they show how making it … Continue reading

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Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Worse

What could make the Lenovo/SuperFish scandal worse than it already is? This could: .@iblametom @Forbes @kristamonster May I rephrase? “$250,000 is all it takes for Lenovo to sell its customers out.” — Reginald Braithwaite (@raganwald) February 27, 2015 If true and … Continue reading

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Act While You Can

Gabriel Weinberg, the founder and CEO of DuckDuckGo has an impassioned plea to all of us to take a stand in the coming debate over Internet privacy. “Internet privacy” is a large and complex subject that includes abuses by the … Continue reading

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A New Stock Photo for a Hacker

Christopher Soghoian has an excellent suggestion New rule: Instead of a stock photo of masked-man at a keyboard to show hackers, use the NSA director. More accurate. pic.twitter.com/DjziAmzptq — Christopher Soghoian (@csoghoian) February 23, 2015 If that picture isn’t scary … Continue reading

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And So It Begins

The lawyers will be happy.

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Everybody Wants Ta Get Inta Da Act

Apologies to Jimmy Durante but everyone, it seems, is waging man-in-the-middle attacks. The latest perpetrator is the provider of in-flight WiFi, Gogo. Google security engineer Adrienne Porter Felt, while on a flight, discovered that Gogo was serving up fake SSL … Continue reading

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Lenovo Denies Security Problems

It’s infuriating that Lenovo continues to deny that SuperFish is a security threat. They keep saying that they’ve stopped installing it but that in any case SuperFish didn’t collect or store any private information. Doubtless that’s true but it’s a … Continue reading

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MITM Coming to a Job Near You

Just in case you think that man-in-the-middle attacks are just for the victims of Lenovo’s shenanigans, there’s this .@mountain_ghosts Such as this lovely device, which goes by the Orwellian name of an "SSL Visibility Appliance": https://t.co/TEmLfOTZnt — Nick Stenning (@nickstenning) … Continue reading

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You’ve almost certainly heard about the astoundingly stupid actions on the part of Lenovo. Forget about the security implications for a minute. What this boils down to is that Lenovo sold out their customers for a few pieces of silver … Continue reading

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Privacy or Security

The government and others are fond of telling us that we must give up some privacy to ensure our security. Paul Downey reminds us of a truth worth remembering. "Anyone who makes you choose between privacy and security wants you … Continue reading

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