Tag Archives: Privacy

Prevent Encryption Above All Else

Michael Steinbach, assistant director in the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, recently testified that law enforcement’s challenge is working with tech companies to prevent encryption above all else. I take that to mean that he’s taking exception to companies like Apple providing … Continue reading

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Why You Shouldn’t Use the Cloud

Karl Voit has a nice post that tells us why we shouldn’t trust or use the cloud. There are lots of reasons why we might want to use the cloud and most of us are familiar with them: lots of … Continue reading

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When they tell you it’s just metadata, show them this Sen. McConnell argues that 215 spying is not a problem since its 'just metadata.' Wrong – metadata matters. pic.twitter.com/XsSa0en1XE — Kurt Opsahl (@kurtopsahl) May 31, 2015

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Nothing to Hide

Edward Snowden has a nice rejoinder for those who say they aren’t worried about government surveillance because they have nothing to hide (via Jean-PhilippeParadis): In One Quote, Edward Snowden Just Destroyed the Biggest Myth About Privacy #Snowden http://t.co/dfthA4kMBd pic.twitter.com/7RbIp4sw9b — Help Edward … Continue reading

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Ding Dong the Witch is Dead?

Is the wicked witch really dead? Although I’m running the risk of suffering ignominy at the hands of Betteridge’s law, The Daily Beast is speculating just that. Namely, that the Patriot Act may soon be gone for good. We can … Continue reading

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How Useful is Section 215 to Law Enforcement?

Despite doubling its use of bulk surveillance orders in the five years ending in 2009, the FBI could not point to a single case where the use of Section 215 of the Patriot Act helped solve a major case. That’s … Continue reading

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The Gift That Keeps On Giving

One of the major beefs that many of us have with the NSA is that they keep doing things that make us less secure. Their latest project is trying to convince Congress to mandate back doors in crypto applications. It’s … Continue reading

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Follow the Money

After the Appeals Court ruled the NSA’s mass telephone metadata collection illegal, pundits and congressmen have come out in droves to press their point of view on the issue. I find it hard to understand how anyone could support something … Continue reading

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The Greatest Threat

A disturbing thought from Glenn Greenwald. Be sure to follow the link. The biggest threats to free speech come from western governments claiming to protect it. http://t.co/QN1ojnvt4T pic.twitter.com/B9VbmchxMk — The Intercept (@the_intercept) May 16, 2015

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Matt Blaze Testimony

Back in April, Matt Blaze, a cryptographer and security expert from the University of Pennsylvania, testified before Congress concerning proposals to require “back doors” in encryption systems—especially in communication applications. The idea is that law enforcement would have a special … Continue reading

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