Tag Archives: Privacy

Moxie Marlinspike

I’ve written many times about the need to make email encryption accessible to Aunt Millie (see here, here, and here for example). Sadly, it’s a really hard problem. Now, maybe there’s some hope. The Wall Street Journal has an interesting … Continue reading

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The EFF’s Most Important Cases

This is the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s 25 anniversary. ars technica celebrated that anniversary with a nice article on the EFF’s most influential cases from its first 25 years. The takeaway from the article is that the EFF has been fighting … Continue reading

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If You’ve Got Nothing to Hide…

…you’ve got nothing to fear. For those of you who are as sick as I am of hearing that bit of tendentious nonsense floated by those who want to stick their noses into every aspect of your affairs, Jacques Mattheij … Continue reading

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NSA Bulk Metadata Collection Resumes

This is why you must always resist government overtures to impose surveillance programs: You can never get rid of them. Despite expiration of the enabling legislation, the clear fourth amendment issues, and the lack of any productive results, the FISA … Continue reading

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Big Data

Cory Doctorow has an interesting piece in The Guardian positing that in the commercial sphere, if not the world of spies, big data has run its course. I especially like this quote: The fact that the billions spent spying on … Continue reading

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Annual Who Has Your Back Report

The EFF has published its annual Who Has Your Back? report. The idea is that they look at those technology companies that deal with our private data and rate them on the following criteria Follows industry-accepted best practices Tells users … Continue reading

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All Your Conversations are Belong to Us

LWN.net is reporting on a Debian bug report complaining that Chromium, Google’s open source version of their Chrome Browser, was downloading a binary blob after it started. The responsible Debian maintainers did not have access to the code for the … Continue reading

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There is No Cloud

A handy reminder from vierito5 (via Karl Voit): Periodic reminder: There is no Cloud. It's just someone else's computer. pic.twitter.com/v4MxtTHR0f — vierito5 (@vierito5) June 15, 2015

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I.F. Stone, Call Your Office

Glenn Greenwald has a blistering evisceration of the recent (UK) Sunday Times front page article claiming that the Russians and Chinese have cracked the Top Secret cache of Snowden documents and that MI6 is pulling out their officers to prevent … Continue reading

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The FBI and Computer Games

If you’re like me you’re probably often bemused by law enforcement’s almost comical misunderstanding of computers and software. As entertaining as it can be, it can also lead to tragedy. A recent example is the prosecutorial abuse in the Aaron … Continue reading

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