Tag Archives: Privacy


Because I live in the United States, I grew up with the notion that TV would provide me “content” for free in exchange for embedding advertisements in that content. It’s always seemed fair and reasonable to me so I’ve resisted … Continue reading

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Law Enforcement Lies about Encryption

By way of the Macalope’s John Evans putdown, I came across this old but still true and relevant article by Marcy Wheeler over at Salon entitled America’s huge iPhone lie: Why Apple is being accused of coddling child molesters. The … Continue reading

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Crazy but Right

New AT&T/NSA docs show "We were treated as crazy for years for allegations that we now know are substantially true.” https://t.co/R8TSG6Figr — Julia Angwin (@JuliaAngwin) August 17, 2015

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Schneier on Going Dark

There’s been an alarming increase in Law Enforcement’s campaigning for mandatory backdoors in communication software. They are increasingly taking their case “to the people” with dishonest Op Eds intended to induce fear of terrorism and the other four horsemen. Bruce … Continue reading

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I Want One

Some good advice from Troy Hunt: pic.twitter.com/q0BMtbDwzc — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) August 5, 2015

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Four Times

Pretty much shows the FBI is being a bit disingenuous: Going dark? Crypto was a problem in a grand total of FOUR wiretaps last year. http://t.co/zZlDRzGFLi pic.twitter.com/zGALMT39cd — matt blaze (@mattblaze) July 1, 2015

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The No Irony Zone

@drkjam @fgunay1 pic.twitter.com/ZH486vRxzR — Orestis Bastounis (@MrBastounis) July 17, 2015

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The Washington Post Gets it Right

Last Wednesday, Irreal excoriated the Washington Post for their uninformed—ignorant really—editorial supporting backdoors in crypto systems allowing the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to read encrypted communications when they feel it’s necessary. My post and the TechCrunch article it … Continue reading

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Backdoors and Magic

Over at TechCrunch, Jon Evans has a brilliant article entitled Technology Is Magic, Just Ask The Washington Post. In it, he lays waste to the Washington Post’s call for Apple, Google, and others to implement back doors that only law … Continue reading

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Ubiquitous Encryption

Bruce Schneier has an update on the NSA’s XKEYSCORE program. As usual with Schneier’s writing, it’s an interesting and informative read. What I liked most, though, was this observation at the end Ubiquitous encryption is the bane of listeners worldwide, … Continue reading

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