Tag Archives: Privacy

The Dangers of Metadata

Governments are fond of telling us not to worry about their wholesale collection of phone records because, after all, it’s just metadata. Mike Rogers even tried to press the point that since the records contained only phone numbers they couldn’t … Continue reading

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Good News From India

Here’s some good news. It’s a little old now but still worth noting. Huge #cryptowars victory: after just one day of public outcry, India withdraws dangerous anti-encryption proposal http://t.co/RjTA5le3kR — Kevin Bankston (@KevinBankston) September 22, 2015 The Indian government has … Continue reading

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We Have to Outlaw Gloves

A nice followup to Blaze’s tweet that encryption was a problem in only four cases last year. I'll bet burglars wore gloves to avoid leaving fingerprint evidence a lot more than four times last year. Time for a war on … Continue reading

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Still Not Paranoid?

Perhaps this will help. Remember yesterday when I wrote about the MI5’s Andrew Parker assuring us that “MI5 is not about “browsing the lives” of the public? Here’s what they do when they think no one’s watching: The Intercept reports … Continue reading

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Browsing Users’ Lives

Andrew Parker, head of MI5 and Britain’s representative of the international cabal of nosey Parkers1 who wish to scrutinize every bit of our on-line activities—for our own good, of course—is complaining to the BBC about how hard it is to … Continue reading

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You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Would be too snarky for me to point out that these are the same people who want us to give them our crypto keys? — matt blaze (@mattblaze) September 24, 2015

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Some Rare Good News

The Washington Post has an interesting article by Ellen Nakashima and Andrea Peterson on the Obama’s administration’s support for strong encryption. Nakashima and Peterson are reporting that the administration is backing away from seeking a legislative mandate that technology companies … Continue reading

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They Always Lie

I.F. Stone famously told us that “All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.” It’s easy to write that off as tin foil hat fodder but, in truth, the facts support him. The latest such … Continue reading

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The Dangers of Government Held Master Keys

The government continues to press the tech sector to give them “golden” keys that they can use to decrypt our communications. One of the main arguments against these proposals is that they will inevitably be compromised and make us less … Continue reading

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A Backdoor by Any Other Name

Crypto backdoor euphemism of the day: "arrangement". http://t.co/LGr8mvy3mo — matt blaze (@mattblaze) August 19, 2015

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