Tag Archives: Privacy

Reporters and Encryption

Speaking of journalists, the Columbia Journalism Review gives them a good spanking for the terrible job they’re doing in covering the encryption wars. In How not to report on the encryption ‘debate’, the CJR takes reporters to task for swallowing … Continue reading

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Tools to Protect You from Surveillance

Jordan Fried sent me a link to his excellent article on 150 Tools to Protect Your from Global Surveillance. The article covers Encryption Cryptocurrency Using the Internet anonymously Securing email Securing your browser Secure communication The Cloud Guide to antivirus, … Continue reading

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The Real Problem in the Encryption Wars

The Washington Post has an interesting take on the on-going encryption wars. Daniel Weitzner, a former White House deputy chief technology officer for Internet policy, has an op-ed in which he lays out the usual arguments against backdoors in encryption … Continue reading

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How The Paris Terrorists Really Operated

Yesterday I wrote about Clare Foges’ ludicrously dishonest op-ed in the Telegraph. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal has a more sober article that describes how the terrorists really operated. Here’s a nice summary by Mike Rundle Paris attackers used real … Continue reading

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The Dumbest Op-Ed of the Year

The UK’s Telegraph has published what is certainly the year’s most ignorant and dishonest op-ed. Clare Foges, until recently PM David Cameron’s chief speechwriter, weighs in on the encryption wars and calls out Apple and Google for putting profit before … Continue reading

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Mass Surveillance

The New York Times editorial board has a nice editorial on why mass surveillance is not the answer to terrorism. Like the New Yorker article that I wrote about yesterday, the Times calls out Brennan and Clapper for their past … Continue reading

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Paris and Crypto Panic

After the tragedy and outrage in Paris last week, the usual suspects are running around saying, “See? This is what happens when things go dark.” Except, of course, there’s no evidence that the perpetrators used encryption and plenty of indications … Continue reading

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Who Could Have Imagined…

…this would happen?

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LPR Cameras Exposed Online

The government that claims it can safely manage backdoor keys to our communications has once again demonstrated its fecklessness at securing sensitive data. Sans Newsbites is reporting that several license plate reader cameras were exposed online. In some cases, the … Continue reading

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What Metadata Really Is

Edward Snowden cuts through the baloney and reminds us of the real meaning of Metadata. "Metadata" means records about your private activities and associations. It's an activity dossier. The novelty is in the lack of warrants. — Edward Snowden (@Snowden) … Continue reading

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