Tag Archives: Privacy

The Reality of Key Escrow

Back in 2000 PGP, a mature and capable company with significant experience in encryption and security, decided that it would be a good idea to provide key escrow for its corporate users. August 2000: a bug in PGP Corp's corporate … Continue reading

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The FBI Begs Off

This is what you do when you think you’re going to lose and set the wrong precedent.

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Matt Blaze on Adtech

Countless pixels have died in the battle over adtech. I’ve long held the view that I’m happy to view the ads but I object strongly to being tracked and having arbitrary scripts run on my machine. Some time ago, I … Continue reading

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What Happens When You Give Law Enforcement a Backdoor Key?

This: The hackers who accessed celeb iCloud accounts in 2014 used a forensic tool designed for cops to download the data. https://t.co/grEzwuSaGJ — Christopher Soghoian (@csoghoian) March 13, 2016

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John Oliver on Encryption

The other day I saw a hilarious John Oliver video on encryption. He explains, as only Oliver can, why despite outward appearances the encryption question is not simple and one’s immediate reaction of “Of course Apple should help the government … Continue reading

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Steven Levy on the New Crypto Wars

I’ve written about Steven Levy before (1, 2, 3). I still consider his book, Hackers, the definitive history of the hacker culture. Now over at Backchannel Levy asks Why Are We Fighting the Crypto Wars Again? Levy recounts the history … Continue reading

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The Data on Farook’s Phone

Undoubtedly true but beside the point. The government wants a precedent not any purported data on the phone. Reminder: Farook destroyed his + wife's personal phones. There isn't jack on his work iPhone. He didn't even bother to hit it … Continue reading

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The FBI Doesn’t Need Apple

Regarding the San Bernardino iPhone 5C, Daniel Kahn Gillmor over at the ACLU blog writes about something I’ve pondered myself: why doesn’t the FBI simply attack the hardware itself? Specifically, why not back up the phone’s NAND memory, which contains … Continue reading

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Testimony of Susan Landau

The House Judiciary Committee recently held hearings on encryption and what should be our policy concerning disputes such as those between Apple and the FBI. If the committee reaches the wrong decisions it won’t be because they didn’t have expert … Continue reading

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Can We Have Our Cake and Eat It Too?

No, but don’t let that stop you from asking. FBI v. Encryption hearings tl;dr The ignoranti: Can we have our cake and eat it too? (No.) — Kontra (@counternotions) March 1, 2016

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