Tag Archives: Privacy

What’s It Take?

Those of us in the US have ample reason to despair of our legislators’ willingness to collude with the NSA in the evisceration of the Fourth Amendment. But at least our congress draws the line when it comes to spying … Continue reading

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A Checklist for Backdoor Proposals

The ludicrous and unworkable Burr-Feinstein bill appears dead, a victim of its “do magic somehow” prescriptions and a lack of support from the White House and intelligence agencies. Nonetheless, we can expect more of the same perhaps even from the … Continue reading

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Metadata and Privacy

By now, I hope, no Irreal reader believes the “it’s just metadata” mantra from the nosey Parkers intent on snooping into every aspect of our lives. A recent study from Stanford quantifies the privacy-stripping power of metadata (you can read … Continue reading

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Something Wrong

At least they know who we’ve been calling. Hmm. Maybe we're doing something wrong, then. https://t.co/HY1bRmYiyZ — Jameel Jaffer (@JameelJaffer) February 9, 2016

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That’s how many, out of 1,457, requests for electronic surveillance the FISA court rejected—in part or in whole—in 2015. But there’s nothing new here; that’s the same number they rejected in 2014. So don’t worry about all that spying the … Continue reading

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Still No Justice

Yesterday, I saw James Clapper on TV. That reminded me of this. It’s been over 3 years and Clapper still hasn’t been charged or even fired. If you’re an American, ask yourself what would happen to you if you lied … Continue reading

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FISA Abandons the Fourth Amendment (Again)

Remember how I told you and told you and told you and told you and told you about the Iron Law of Data Collection? That no matter what the government says or promises, data, once collected, will find other uses … Continue reading

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A Reminder from Kontra

Enough is enough, California. My quarterly reminder to citizens of California: you'll be held responsible for Dianne Feinstein. — Kontra (@counternotions) April 9, 2016

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75 Free Privacy Tools

Richard Patterson wrote to me about my article on privacy tools and suggested I take a look at his offering, 75+ free tools to protect your privacy online. As Patterson says, you won’t need all these tools but you should … Continue reading

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USB versus the U.S. Government

True… pic.twitter.com/eM0LTPGTUT — Mikko Hypponen (@mikko) January 25, 2016

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