Tag Archives: Privacy

Loyalty Cards

In yet another case of the Iron Law of Data Collection, we have this example from Seattle. For the last four years, King County Animal Services has been sending notices to residents who have unlicensed pets that they must license … Continue reading

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Consumers Win One

Yesterday, in my post about AT&T, Time Warner, and the Iron Law of Data Collection, I complained that in all whining about what an unfair advantage AT&T/Time Warner would have in advertising, little notice was taken of the fact that … Continue reading

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The Iron Law Strikes Again

It’s been a while since I’ve written about the Iron Law of Data Collection. That’s the idea that when the Government collects data, regardless of the stated rationale, there will inevitably be mission creep that sees the data being used … Continue reading

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Google Reneges on Their Privacy Pledge

If you were surprised by this This past summer Google quietly dropped its historic ban on merging Web browsing info with your name.https://t.co/TRgREtYvaO — Julia Angwin (@JuliaAngwin) October 21, 2016 you haven’t been paying attention. Google is in the business … Continue reading

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Public Service Announcement

pic.twitter.com/WKWGdZZo8m — Defective by Design (@endDRM) August 10, 2016

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The Wages of Sin

Report: Helping intelligence agencies secretly spy on your customers will cost your company $1,000,000,000. https://t.co/SDVD8JOrei — Edward Snowden (@Snowden) October 7, 2016

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Some Helpful Reminders and Advice

If you’re running a tech company, Christopher Soghoian has a helpful reminder for you: This Yahoo/NSA scandal is another reminder to Silicon Valley. When the spying finally leaks, the US gov will leave you hanging in the wind. — Christopher … Continue reading

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This is why you should be using Ghostery or something similar: Wow. 57 trackers are watching as I book a room on the Hilton website! pic.twitter.com/BkOfMcGW18 — Julia Angwin (@JuliaAngwin) September 17, 2014

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Encryption and Metadata

A graphical illustration of encryption versus metadata when you encrypt content but not metadata pic.twitter.com/j2dj1YTSnG — Martin Shelton (@mshelton) June 1, 2016

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Stop Rule 41

The changes to Rule 41 approved by the US Supreme Court are the latest example of dangerous overreach on the part of law enforcement. If you don’t think the FBI should be allowed to break into your computer with only … Continue reading

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