Tag Archives: Privacy

The NSA and Their Lost Secrets

The New York Times has a damning article on the NSA and its spilled secrets. It goes into depth as to how the Shadow Brokers have disrupted NSA operations and destroyed the morale of its employees. In a sense, nothing … Continue reading

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Everybody Wants to Get Into the Act

BuzzFeed—I know, I know—is reporting that the Treasury Department is now spying on Americans and their financial data. As the late, great Jimmy Durante used to say, “Everybody wants to get into the act.” This spying is so egregious that … Continue reading

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Doubleclick Whines

The IETF has a new draft standard on browser cookies and Doubleclick is whining. The standard would eliminate—or at least make more difficult—the ability of Doubleclick and other advertisers to deposit tracking cookies on our machines. If you aren’t in … Continue reading

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Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You

As yet another example of why we should always look askance at the government collecting data, I offer the recently revealed debacle of the Swedish government’s loss of control of government and police databases. The databases contain information on almost … Continue reading

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Fallout From the NSA’s Loss of Hacking Tools

The New York times has a fairly complete rundown on the debacle resulting from the NSA losing control of their hacking tools and the subsequent disclosure of those tools by the Shadow Brokers. Remember this the next time they tell … Continue reading

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Police State

What could go wrong?

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The Inevitable End of Government Surveillance

Kontra gives us a useful reminder: Final destination of *every* single government surveillance/intelligence program anywhere. https://t.co/XmCBKB6ZMV — Kontra (@counternotions) June 19, 2017 Here’s the backstory from the New York Times.

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It appears that at long last even the U.S. Senate is getting tired of the Intelligence Community’s dissembling on the abuse of §702 of the FISA act. They are insisting that they be informed of the number of Americans caught … Continue reading

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More on Google’s Ad Blocking

When I first wrote about the changes coming to Chrome and Safari in the Adtech arena, I noted that some observers were worried that Google’s changes gave them too much power and could be abused. It turns out that they … Continue reading

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Apple Does it Again

In yet another privacy enhancing move, Apple announced that iOS 11 will no longer allow app developers to force always-on location services. If you’re like me, you became aware of this issue when Uber removed the “when App is running” … Continue reading

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