Tag Archives: Privacy

Fighting the Surveillance Economy

It’s no secret that we here at Irreal are adamantly opposed to surveillance. That includes the casual monitoring of our communications by the government but especially the hoovering up of our every actions by the malevolent adtech industry. It’s a … Continue reading

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Just in Case You Still Thought “Google Is Your Friend”

Many years ago, when someone would ask some easily discoverable question, I would respond with “Google is your friend.” I haven’t said that for a long time now because Google most emphatically is not your friend. If you think that’s … Continue reading

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Mobile Carriers and Your Location Information

If you’re a fan of cop shows and the like, you undoubtedly know that the police can ask your mobile carrier for a record of your location information. Mostly, they’re supposed to get a warrant but often the phone companies … Continue reading

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Our Government in Action

Five years ago, I wrote a series of posts [1, 2, 3, 4] on the U.S. Government’s actions against Dr. Rahinah Ibrahim, a Malaysian architect who had just completed her PhD at Stanford. You can read the details in the … Continue reading

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Tell Me Again Why You’re Still Using Windows

Microsoft has been caught again spying on their users. Microsoft, of course, claims it’s all a big misunderstanding. They explain, Facebook like, that if you don’t want to share your data you have to adjust this obscure setting involving diagnostic … Continue reading

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The GCHQ’s Need for Bulk Hacking has “Evolved”

In what could be considered a corollary to The Iron Law of Data Collection1, the UK’s GCHQ (their version of the American NSA) has informed Parliament that their use of bulk device hacking—originally promised to be used sparingly only in … Continue reading

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The Ignorant, The Stupid, and The Insane

Every Irreal reader knows, I’m sure, about the proposed encryption—anti-encryption is more accurate—law that the Australian Government is trying to push through Parliament. When it was first proposed, I thought that it was another case of politicians being ignorant of … Continue reading

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Microsoft Data Collection

I don’t get it. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It. A recent study commissioned by the Dutch Government found that Microsoft was collecting individual user data from the enterprise version of Office 365 including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook without any … Continue reading

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Nothing To Hide

One of the tiresome and annoying things that the uninformed say about privacy issues is, “I have nothing to hide.” The idea, of course, is that, “I’m not a criminal or a terrorist so (1) no one will bother surveilling … Continue reading

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More Trouble for Adtech

If you’re like me and really, really hate Adtech and those who push it, I have some good news. After the GDPR went into effect, advertisers had to have your explicit, informed, and affirmative consent to collect personal information about … Continue reading

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