Monthly Archives: May 2024

Sunrise, Sunset

No, not that Sunrise, Sunset. This one. Today’s post is just a quickie on some already plowed ground. Eight years ago, I wrote about finding the times of sunrise and sunset from within Emacs. I thought it was sort of … Continue reading

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Red Meat Friday: Things No Sensible Person Would Want

People often say that as you get older you grow wiser and come to understand more and more things. Those people are lying. The older I get, the more things I don’t understand. Case in point. Why would anyone want … Continue reading

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Casual Dired

Charles Choi is on a roll. He discovered the trick of improving the interfaces to various Emacs functionalities by capturing them in a transient menu. I’ve already written about his considerable contributions to the usability of Calc: my last post … Continue reading

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A Note Of Thanks

One of my everyday chores is to read through the Emacs and Org-mode mailing lists. I don’t read most of the posts unless they catch my interest but just checking the headlines gives me an idea of what’s going on. … Continue reading

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Emacs And Modal Editing

Over at the Emacs subreddit, TheTwelveYearOld asks an interesting question: Would Emacs be more popular than Vim if it used modal editing by default? Experienced users will recognize that there’s an unstated premise buried in the question. The premise is … Continue reading

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The FCC Hands Out Some Fines

Long term readers know that one of my hobbyhorses is corporate surveillance and privacy. I haven’t written much about it lately because there’s been no real news. Corporations have continued snooping into as many of our actions as they can … Continue reading

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A Blast From The Past: Why Use Emacs

Irreal is always gathering examples of why and how Emacs can help you in your coding and writing endeavors. Regular features of those examples are Org mode, Magit, and, more recently, LSP. It wasn’t always like that. I’ve only been … Continue reading

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Org Internal Links

Emacs Elements is back with a useful video on Org mode internal links. If most of your Org documents are short—a blog post, say—you probably haven’t felt the need for internal links but if you, even occasionally, write longer form … Continue reading

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Emacs Everywhere Revisited

Last week I wrote about Marcin Borkowski’s post on Emacs Everywhere, an application that lets you edit text in other applications with Emacs. As I said then, I’ve been using it for about a year but, shamefully, usually forget to … Continue reading

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Symbolic Math With Casual

One of the least appreciated features of Emacs is Calc. At it’s most basic it provides an RPN calculator much like a traditional HP scientific calculator. It’s reasonably easy to learn this functionality but Calc offers much, much more. It … Continue reading

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