Blogging with Org Mode

Ambrevar (Pierre Neidhardt) has an interesting post on why and how he uses Org mode to blog. His two main criteria are that

  1. He can write his blog posts in Org mode.
  2. He was complete control over how his blog is laid out.

It turns out that he can accomplish that using org publish. That required that he write a bit of Elisp for things like his RSS feed but he mostly used org-publish out of the box. Take a look at his post to see how he set things up and what the result looks like.

What I found most interesting about the post was his discussion of the tension between keeping a post up to date and the value of preserving the original post. At Irreal, I do that by making whatever fix is required and adding a note at the bottom of the post. Ambrevar has a different, arguably better, solution: He keeps his posts in a publicly available Git repository. That way, readers can see both the original post and any corrections/updates that he makes. This, it seems to me, offers the maximum in transparency.

If you’re a blogger or interested in becoming one, take a look at Ambrevar’s post. Whether or not you use his method, he has a nice list of goals and things you should think about when you set up your blog.

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