Another Workflow

Regular readers know that I’m fond of seeing other people’s workflows, especially those workflows centered around Emacs. Torstein Johansen has an interesting post on his workflow.

Johansen describes his hardware and OS environment (a Thinkpad with 2 external screens running Debian) and then his most used software. Like me, he mostly lives in either his browser or Emacs. He has one speed key to bring up a terminal but everything else is either started at boot time or started from the terminal as needed. I like the basic minimalism of his setup. The usual full set of applications are available for use when needed but his workflow and setup are centered around Emacs and the browser. Of course, he also has a virtual screen for chat applications and a music player, which he controls with shortcut keys.

If you, too, enjoy seeing how others get their work done, take a look at Johansen’s post. In particular, if you’re running Linux you may like his ideas about key shortcuts.

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