Emacs Videos for N00bs

In yesterday’s post I wrote about Rainer König’s introductory videos on Org mode. Today, I want to continue that theme with a set of introductory videos for Emacs itself.

Mike Zamansky over at C’est la Z is producing a series of Emacs videos for n00bs. As of this writing Zamansky has 5 videos but he has others in the pipeline. Like König’s Org tutorials, they are mostly less than 10 minutes each so they are easy to watch. If you start with Video 11, the videos will play in sequence automatically but it’s worthwhile clicking on each video section because that will take you to a page with the video, associated notes, and code mentioned in the video.

So far, he has covered

  • Setting up the package manager
  • Intro to Org Mode
  • How to think about Emacs
  • Buffers
  • Windows

and is promising a video on effective navigation next.

Zamansky approaches the subject on how he uses Emacs so he introduces packages that he’s found useful as he goes along. At each step he adds the package and it’s configuration to his init.el file so you can see how to set it up. That code is also in the individual Video pages so you don’t have to worry about writing it down.

It’s an enjoyable series and should be especially useful for those just learning Emacs. Recommended.



The video in the Introduction section is by someone else and not part of the series.

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