Open the Current Buffer’s File in Another Application

Ustun Ozgur has posted a video in which he demonstrates his package emacs-friends. The idea is that you provide the package with an association list mapping (your name for) an application to it’s executable and the code automatically generates functions you can call to open the file associated with the current buffer in that application.

Watch the video to see how it works. Oddly, a couple of the examples he uses are opening the file in Vim and Sublime. I’m not sure why an Emacser would want to do that but he finds it useful. In any event, don’t be put off by that. Look at the other examples and the association list he’s using to get an idea of what’s possible.

Xah Lee has a bit of code that does something similar. If you’re in the market for this sort of thing, take a look at both packages to see which best fits your needs.

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