From WordPress to Org

Part of the reason that I moved Irreal from Blogger to WordPress was that I wanted to use org2blog to write and publish my posts directly from Emacs. As a result, every post on Irreal started life as—and is maintained as—an Org file. If I need to update a post, I just update the Org file and republish it.

Grant Rettke over at Wisdom and Wonder, on the other hand, just recently started using org2blog. I’m happy to welcome Rettke to the one true way™ but the conversion does raise a problem: how can he convert those old posts to Org documents so that he has a uniform method of maintaining the posts?

Rettke found an excellent solution. It turns out that Punchagan, the author of org2blog, also wrote org2blog-importers, a way of importing WordPress files into Org mode. Rettke shows that he can import WordPress posts into Org mode, modify them, and republish them perfectly. If you have an existing WordPress blog and would like to start using org2blog, you should definitely take a look at Rettke’s post. It will delight you.

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