Multiple Info Buffers

Marcin Borkowski (mbork), who’s an occasional commenter here on Irreal, has an interesting post on his info workflow. He likes to have multiple info buffers open at the same time. That may seem a little odd but as Borkowski explains, he is often working on something in Org mode, say, and needs to check something in the Elisp manual.

It is possible, of course—it’s Emacs, to have multiple info buffers but it’s a bit clumsy. Borkowski wanted to be able to pop up an info buffer immediately whenever he needed it. To do that, he wrote a bit of Elisp to open an additional info buffer (or switch to an existing one) for any info manual. Then he wrote some additional code to call his function for his most often used manuals and bound them to quick key sequences.

A nice solution and another great example of how Emacs makes it easy to adjust it to accommodate your workflow. Head on over and take a look at his code. It may be something that you can use too.

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