Pinning Packages

I recently learned something useful from Timo Geusch in a post on pinning a package to a specific archive. It turns out that Emacs 24.4 has a new variable, package-pinned-packages, that tells the package system to get certain packages from a certain archive and no others. The variable is a list of cons cells of the form (PACKAGE . ARCHIVE). For example, if you want to get the package htmlize from marmalade only, you would add the cons

(htmlize . "marmalade")

to the package-pinned-packages list.

Probably the most important use of this is to specify that some packages be loaded only from melpa-stable. For example, if you want to ensure that you get the stable versions of smex, yasnippet, and typo you would add

(setq package-pinned-packages '((smex . "melpa-stable")
                                (yasnippet . "melpa-stable")
                                (typo . "melpa-stable")))

to your .emacs or init.el file.

This is really convenient and much easier than the workarounds that were necessary before.

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