Reproducible Research Redux

Longtime readers know that I’m a big fan of reproducible research and, specifically, the way that Emacs and Org mode help make it possible. Here’s a very nice video presentation from SciPy2013 by John Kitchin. He describes how he writes his blog, his class notes, his papers, and his books using the principles of reproducible research via Org mode.

Kitchin is a professor of Chemical Engineering, not a computer scientist, so he serves as a poster boy for reproducible research: a scientist who collects all his text, data, programming code, and results into a single document. As he points out, when he wants to remember how he generated a complicated graph for a paper, it’s right there in the Org mode source for the paper.

This is a fairly short talk (about 25–30 minutes) so there’s no reason not to set aside some time to give it a look. At the end of the talk he gives a pointer to a github repository that has the (Org mode) source for the talk. Definitely worth your time.

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