EmacsGolf 4

Xah Lee is doing some refactoring and wants to change this

;; define several class of keywords

(defvar mylsl-keywords
  '("break" "default" "do" "else" "for" "if" "return" "state" "while")
  "LSL keywords.")

(defvar mylsl-types
  '("float" "integer" "key" "list" "rotation" "string" "vector")
  "LSL types.")

(defvar mylsl-constants
  "LSL constants.")

(defvar mylsl-events
  '("at_rot_target" "at_target" "attach")
  "LSL events.")

(defvar mylsl-functions
  '("llAbs" "llAcos" "llAddToLandBanList" "llAddToLandPassList")
  "LSL functions.")

into this

;; define several class of keywords

(defvar mylsl-keywords nil "LSL keywords.")
(setq mylsl-keywords '("break" "default" "do" "else" "for" "if" "return" "state" "while") )

(defvar mylsl-types nil "LSL types.")
(setq mylsl-types '("float" "integer" "key" "list" "rotation" "string" "vector"))

(defvar mylsl-constants nil "LSL constants.")
(setq mylsl-constants '("ACTIVE" "AGENT" "ALL_SIDES" "ATTACH_BACK"))

(defvar mylsl-events nil "LSL events.")
(setq mylsl-events '("at_rot_target" "at_target" "attach"))

(defvar mylsl-functions nil "LSL functions.")
(setq mylsl-functions '("llAbs" "llAcos" "llAddToLandBanList" "llAddToLandPassList"))

His first inclination was to just brute force it with cut and paste and some typing but then he asked himself what he would do if he had hundreds of lines like this to fix. I can think of at least two efficient ways to do this. What would you do?

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