
Annnnnd, I’m back. For the one or two of you who may have wondered were I’ve been, here’s the story. Last month, between the fifteenth and twentieth, I was in New York. I didn’t have to a chance to queue up any posts but it was only 6 days and I was confident that you all could find something to amuse yourselves in some other corner of the Internet. The real problems came when I got back; two things occurring together conspired to take me offline for almost another two weeks:

  • My laptop died and Apple had to do major surgery (including replacing the logic board).
  • I got flat-on-my-back-sick with some sort of flu-like infection.

That meant that I was stuck in bed with no laptop, no way to blog, and no way to program. It was not the happiest of times. I still had my iPad, which (barely) prevented me from going insane, but it’s not the same, believe me.

In any event,things should be pretty much back to normal now and we can head out together to explore the Irreal.

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