More Pro Tips from Ambrevar

I was looking for something to write about and found this (slightly old) post from Ambrevar (Pierre Neidhardt) on some useful Emacs tips. He begins with a couple of tips to speed up Emacs loading. I last restarted Emacs when I updated my OS to Mojave so this is not something I worry about but some people—especially Emacs developers—restart Emacs more often so having a fast startup time can be a win.

He follows with a couple of tips to control package loading. One tip makes sure that the latest code is loaded even if it’s not byte compiled. The other sets up a local Lisp site directory.

There are some tips on controlling modes and a bit of Elisp that uses youtube-dl to download the video URL at point. There are also some suggestions for improving your workflow such as using lispy instead of paredit and turning on parentheses matching and possibly rainbow delimiters.

There are a few more tips as well so be sure to take a look at Ambrevar’s post. And while you’re at it, take a look at his first post on Emacs tips. After all, who doesn’t like learning some tips that will improve your workflow?

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