Another “Perfect” Mail Setup

As you all know, I really like the idea of email within Emacs and collect various solutions to implementing it. I’ve long settled on mu and mu4e and have no intentions of looking for something else. Still, it’s nice to see what software and configurations other people pick.

Aqeel Akber has settled on his own perfect email setup. His uses notmuch for both the indexer and mail client. Like me, he uses to mbsync to retrieve his email (from Google in his case). Unlike me, he uses msmtp to take care of sending his emails. This is an advantage because, among other things, it takes care of queuing his emails if they can’t be sent immediately.

Akber likes to partition his computer system into “subsystems,” which he believes makes them easier to configure, manage and reason about. His configuration reflects this but you needn’t blindly follow his setup. On the other hand, if you want to, you can simply download his configuration and make the necessary changes to have a similar system. If you’re looking for an Emacs/Email solution, Akber’s post is worth taking a look at. A problem that many seem to have is how to get mbsync to work with Gmail. Akber has solved that problem so if you have it too, that alone makes his post worthwhile.

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