Oleh Krehel (abo-abo) is the author of many outstanding packages including the essential Ivy/Swiper/Counsel suite that revolutionizes searching. A few years ago, I wrote that when I get tired of blogging I was going to gin up some Elisp to make a post everyday that says, “Abo-abo has a great post today. Go read it.” I meant that as a tribute to his prodigious productivity but it was really a whimsical remark.
Maybe it wasn’t all that whimsical. Today, Boxingshmoxing notes that Abo-abo hasn’t gone a day without committing to GitHub in over 3 years. That’s astounding and an indicator of how much abo-abo has contributed to the Emacs community. It turns out that abo-abo has a Patreon Page and is trying to get sufficient backing to allow him to dedicate one day a week to his open source projects. This is very worthwhile and I encourage anyone who can—or can strong-arm their employer—to support his efforts. He’s more than earned it.